Finding A Friend In Yourself
Happy Friendship Day! It is a time where we pay special gratitude to those friends in our life who have been there for you through thick and thin. A person to whom you can count on for support. You trust your friend (s), offer compassion, confidence, loyalty, and as mentioned before, support. You don’t want to see your friend get hurt, and will stand up for him/her if that happens. If you are the one who has hurt your friend, you are quick to apologize, and try to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
So, with all of the care you take with your friend (s), how come you don’t provide that same grace to you? It is time that you start treating yourself the way you do with your friend (s). You deserve it. You deserve to be kind to yourself. You are the one person you spend the most time with, so make that time pleasurable by being gentle. Talk to yourself the way you would talk to your friend because we all should be our own friend anyway. The next time you get the urge or find yourself having negative self talk, just think, would I say that to… (Friend’s name)? Chances are the answer will be no, so flip that negative self talk around to something that you would say to a friend.
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